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Zonta Inter'l District 3 Governor's Event 2024

October 19, 2024

9:30 am - 3:30 pm

It’s the start of a new biennium and energy for positive change through Zonta service and advocacy is in the air! Our Zonta International District 3 goal: to build a better world for women and girls, and to have fun doing this serious work.

With that in mind, we are now formally inviting you to a special one-day event for all of District 3 on Saturday, October 19, 2024. We are hoping to have representation from all of our D3 clubs at this event…and we really want to see you there! It’s the first one-day, in person District-wide event we’ve organized since the pandemic.

The D3 board and Governor’s event committee has planned a spirited event full of learning, sharing ideas with other clubs, meeting other Zontians, good food, fellowship, and fun. We’d love to welcome guests and prospective members to attend, to catch the Zonta spirit, and to join your club!

Our theme for October 19 is Zonta: Resources, fellowship and creative fun for healthy clubs and strategies for member self-care to build strength for our lives and our work together.

Following a hot breakfast, the morning will be dedicated to speakers bringing new external resources and ideas to us, along with Zonta news and resources. The luncheon will be filled with Zonta spirit - a great time to celebrate and share with Zontians and guests. The afternoon will be dedicated to fun and self-care strategies to build our own health and creativity. There will be awards and some fun surprises as well.

We will end the afternoon at 3:30 to allow you to get home, hopefully before dark!

We are hosting the event at the Somerville Elks Lodge 375 Union Ave. in Bridgewater N.J. The venue is lovely, and easily accessible by car (with plenty of free parking). For those wishing to travel by train, we will coordinate shuttle service from the Somerville NJ Transit train station until 9:30 am, or you can order a ride with Lyft or Uber - it’s 5 minutes away. If you choose to come overnight on Friday: Several area Zontians have offered to host Zontians traveling from clubs more than 3 hours away for overnight in their homes on Friday evening.

The Bridgewater Hampton Inn is very nearby the event venue; and there are other hotels in the area, as well. If you are staying overnight at an area hotel on Friday evening, let us know so we can organize an informal get together on Friday evening.

Please contact us prior to Oct. 10 with your event or travel-related questions:

For event or train shuttle service/ information contact Barbara Woodhull b2bwoodhull@gmail.com

For ticket and registration information contact Mary-Helen Risler mhrzonta@atlanticbb.net

If you are connected with a high school Z-club or a college Golden Z club, please encourage their members to attend! We’d love to facilitate a breakout session for our youngest members!

Registration costs:
Registration includes a hot breakfast, a hot lunch and a day’s activities and materials

$75 until September 30
$85 Oct 1-13
(guests and prospective members are welcome, too!)
Z and Golden Z-club members: $40

Lunch (for guests/prospective members only): $60

Dress: Wear comfortable clothes

Refund policy: Tickets are refundable up until September 30; 75% refundable Oct. 1 – Oct 13. No refunds after October 13. Tickets are transferable with payment of price difference, if applicable. Eventbrite processing fees are not refundable. Contact Mary-Helen Risler for more information,

You may register on Eventbrite by clicking https://www.eventbrite.com/e/zonta-intl-district-3-governors-event-2024-tickets-1002101882707
or you can send a check or Zelle request to our D3 Treasurer, mhrzonta@atlanticbb.net (If you pay by check or zelle, please send an email with your name, club name, and any dietary restrictions to our D3 Treasurer with your payment.)

We have 25 wonderful Zonta clubs in District 3 with strong leadership and amazing plans for this year. We hope you’ll register for this one-day opportunity to meet other Zontians, share ideas and resources, and “fuel up” for a great year!

Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday, October 19th, 2024!

Best wishes,

Online bookings are not available for this event.

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© Zonta Club of Morristown Area 2025